Thursday, February 23, 2012

Focusing on Eats today!

Lately I've had too much fat in my diet.  So I am focusing on bringing it down today!  I'm going to write down what I eat and get in that habit for the next few days.  Tomorrow night will be my cheat though as I'm going to my girls night out and that will be my choice of indulgence.  Got to Live right!  In my mind I have my focus set on loosing fat and getting ready for a May and photo shoot.  I will use these sheets I made up.  They worked well for me the last time I wanted to focus on a weight drop. Just mark them off as you comsume one.  I even make notes on it as to what proteins, fruits, veggies and so on.  Sometimes I sub a fruit for some oatmeal or brown rice.

5 proteins- 1 2 3 4 5
Frutis and Veggies- 1 2 3 4 5
Fats- 1 2 3
Water- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


It kept me focused and helped me see the real picture~

I am also going to take the day off of workouts...........give my body a much needed rest!  I've been pushing really hard lately and it's important to listen to your body when it's screaming at you!
I'll be staying busy with packing up my kitchen and getting ready for our remodel.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Almost a Year! Here it is 2012!

I'm still here and still at it!! 
Changes in my life..........I've got a new grandbaby!!  His name is Maximus!!  Hes got a head full of black hair and looks just like his daddy!  Such a Blessing!
My youngest daughter got married in June!  She started a new job and she's moved and seems to be doing well!  Sure makes life Great when all your kids are settled and happy!
My son bought a house and got a dog named Porter.  He's a great Dog!! 
We've been Blessed and have gone on several vacations.  In September we went to Hawaii with some friends on the island of Kaui!  It was an Awesome Vacation!  Then in November I went to Nebraska to meet up with some of my Buff Sisters!  There was a group of them competiting in Figure and Bikini.  It was great to go there and be supportive and have continued bonding.  I have now been a Buffmothre for just shy of 6 years.  In that 6 years I've had a lot of growth. What an Awesome group of ladies!  Wished they lived closer!  We are from all over the states but there is a larger group there in the midwest.
Fitness is a part of my life!  Can't imagine life without it now!  Many people think I'm still competiting and my standard answer is "Yes"  the Competition of Life!  I like to train like I'm going to but my eating is more Balanced.  I enjoy Life and like to have my wine now and then!  Love good food too!!  So I do indulge!  I do eat Clean most of the time.

So today was Cardio!  I usually do Legs on Wednesdays but I was so sore from Sundays Leg Day that I decided to take a break.  I was a sweaty mess though.......did 20 min Easy Intervals on the Stepmill and then 30 sec sprints on the treadmill.......about 5 of them and then back to the stepmill for 15 min fatburning.  I stretched really well after my workout but my left foot is still bothering me.  I have Plantar Fasiatas in that foot.  It's very painful!  I really miss running and every time I try this happens.  Strange....I can run on hills and no problems.

With this year I have some goals:

~Do a 10k trail run, Try Crossfit, Get down to 124, A photo shoot by May

~ Redo Workout Room
~Remodel Kitchen
~Organize Office

~ Get Creative with paints again
~Get back to Church
~Start Blogging Again Here!!!!
Today is the First Day!!

Tomorrow I plan to do Complexes and Ride My Bike!  The weather has been beautiful!