Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jamaica Challenge Continues~

I totally feel off the wagon last night : (  Stress got the best of me and I went for food which I haven't done in a while.
Weight as a result 131.5 this morning : (  I had PMS casserole (canned soup, chicken, mixed frozen veggies, cheese, and pasta) cause my dh forgot to take it yesterday morning to his moms and then after a talk with my youngest DD about her goal to move didn't go so well I ate that and  I dipped into chocolate covered pretzels and I ate my 2 Dove chocs from Christmas.  NOT GOOD CHOICES AND NOT GETTING ME TO MY GOAL.  So what do I do now?  I get back on my horse and KNOW that my choice to do that last night didn't fix a thing and just derailed me a bit.
So sleep again............not so good.  Slept hard until 3:30 again and then was wide awake.  Thinking too much about both DD and MIL.  Both are struggling right now for different reasons and I just pray for both of them that they can find happiness.  Life can be so hard. It is throughout the hard times though that we learn so much.  Today a friend sent me an email with a book selection he thought his friends would be interested in....Let Go and Let God.  I think I need to read it.
Yesterday I just did 30 min fat burning cardio at home and 20 min of Yoga which I needed badly.  I'm just SO not flexible and my body is so tight.  I'm trying to get that arch back into my back.  I had plans to do chest and tris as well and was out too long with other DD at the mall and then we went and visited my parents with Kyle and got home too late. 
Today I had a Great Workout!  I put those bad choices from last night to work!!  Between that and some NoXplode I felt Great! I had a POA on my walking lunges of 16 count @ 80#BB 8 count@ 80# and then 8ct @ 90#.......our goal is to get to 110#.  I think we can do it fairly fast!
This is how the workout went:

BB Squats
Warm up with bar

Then we did the Walking lunges

Leg Press Feet High and shoulder length



Leg Extensions
Didn't keep good track on the weights

One Legged Ham Curls

I made sure I stretched for several minutes after and then between sets

Later when I got home from meeting Janine for lunch I did

5 min jumping rope
30 min Elliptical

I am FEELING my BOOTAY and LEGS now.........got them GOOD!

 Tonight I pray I sleep better Sleeping

Eats today have been:

1) 1/2 oats, frozen blueberries, tish of sliced almonds, and 4 egg whites on the side
Worked out
2) Vanilla PPowder, Spinach, Fish Oil, 1C Almond Milk and a 1/2 banana
3) 1/2 apple and 2 walnuts
4) 4 oz chicken, Brown Rice Tortilla, Smidge of Olive Oil Mayo
5) Almond Milk and Vanilla PP
6) Lean Ground Beef patty and broccoli
7) 4 Egg Whites before bed

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